速報APP / 健康塑身 / Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to Yogasan and Pranayam android application in Hindi Language!

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖2)-速報App

In this application, yogasan and pranayam have been discussed.There are many types of yogasan and Pranayam.It is not possible for human perform all types in the busy life. Therefore, most important five types of yogasan and five types of pranayam have been described in the application.

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖3)-速報App

Padamasan,shavasan,vjraasan,trikonasan and gomukhasan are most five important yogasan to do daily for good healthy life.Anulom-vilom, kapalbhati, bhramari, bhastrika and bahaay pranayam are most important five types of pranayam to get good healthy life. If anybody perform these types of yogasan and pranayam daily,he will certainly get healthy life,strong body and peaceful mind.How to perform above-mentioned types of yogasan and pranayam, their benefits and precautions while performing, have been discussed in detail in the application.

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖4)-速報App

Yogasan and pranayam should be performed simultaneously to get the good result on the mind and body. Yogasan impact on the body while pranayam give impact on mind. Both mind and body should be healthy for happiness in life. Therefore, this application may be tool of happiness in human life.

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖5)-速報App

International Yoga day is celebrated on 21 june throughout the world.

Yogasan and Pranayam(योगासन और प्राणायाम)(圖6)-速報App